
This project was a very interesting experience I had in my life. It was made by five people and the purpose was to be the project for a class (Traditional Game Design). This project was the result of a semester working with other fellow students, and for many of us, it was the first time we touched a game engine.
My role in this project was to be a producer and designer. I designed the two levels , I helped create and implement the core mechanics, and I designed the sound for the game. Apart from the in-engine work, I helped organize the team schedule and communication with all the members in this project.

Here is a summary of everything that I did in this project.



Unkindled was my first 3D game. As a Producer for this game, it was very challenging to have everyone be on the same page with this project. I did not know my teammates before this project started, so it was really important to me to make everyone feel good about it and have their ideas into it. I remembered that was also, the first time I used Trello boards, which I got to learn in a matter of a few hours using it. Scheduling team meetings, taking notes, prepare presentations, and present were part of my “job”. I got to present this game to more than 300 people during the EAE launch (a celebration for student games at the U). At the end of the day, I had to make sure that our Sprints and milestones were being reached on time. I got the opportunity to work closely with the programmers, and the artist, as well as working with the level design. 

Here is the link for my video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90VhD2JEmXk  

Sound Effects

Screen Shots