
This project was one of the most interesting I have ever worked on. I was a producer, designer and programmer for this game.  The purpose of this game was to have the player experience loneliness and it was made for one of my classes (Alternative Game Design). I worked in a team of 5 people to come up with a game in 3 months. What was different than my other projects is that I took a very long time adjusting the design elements in this game to pass the message I wanted. after a lot of playtesting the game was finished if great feedback from the people that played and some people felt different feelings about the game which was amazing to see the different perspectives every person had while playing Lepidoptera.

In this game, the player controls a butterfly in a quest to find her friends that are facing different problems, while in this journey you will notice that not always you can save them by yourself.

Here is a summary of everything that I did in this project.



My experience as a producer for this game was very interesting because it first started trying to connect with people in my classroom to see who was willing to participate in a game with Loneliness being the theme. After finding the group it was time to organize the Trello board and discuss the directions we were going with the game. It took a lot of team meetings to settle the exact directions this game took. I remembered in one of the meetings two team members were arguing about the art style while one wanted to have a cartoony game the other suggested pixel art. I am not an artist, but that time was necessary to sit down and talk with the whole team about the quantity of time we had which was not a lot, and the number of people in the team which was also short. After having this talk we all concluded that pixel art would be the ideal art for this game. What was hard for me as far as team management in this project was finding the middle term between what was good for the game and what my teammates wanted. Discussing that in meetings and having a lot of playtesting was essential to reach this balance. Another good example was the way we nailed down the behavior of the other butterflies to represent the message we wanted. I had to make in numerous playtests reports to finally start finding what was the best idea for each scenario.  

Sound Effects

Screen Shots