Lab Rags

The first I ever publisher. Today this games has been played by more than 2 thousand people and has more than 300 hundred very positive reviews on Steam.  

We had a team of 16 people including producers, programmers, designers, artists, sound designers. I had two roles in this game one as being part of the General Design team and the other was working as a producer. This game is my capstone project at the University of Utah which is a 3D puzzle game with platforming elements, where the failures of the player are the way to success.  

Here is a summary of everything that I did in this project.



Lab Rags helped me to develop a lot of my skills as a producer. This project was the first big one I worked on. I not only had to manage 16 people in the team, but I also had to do it online. There were two types of meetings one with everyone in the group to discuss the general goals of the game, and the second was the sub-teams meetings as an example the designers or programmers meetings which I was responsible for being present at and make sure that everyone was working and the teams were communicating their tasks. Participating in every team meeting, taking notes, and updating the Trello board has been a huge part of this project. But my work goes further every two weeks the team has a Sprint review with my classmates and professors, which is my job to put together everything the team did in the past weeks and present for the class including our future plans. That was also the first time I had to learn how to make an LLC to publish our game on Steam and other platforms.

Screen Shots